Welcome to the 21st Century
– Savor –
Some folks might declare that the future is female, but I feel that is slightly inaccurate. The present moment global women rising movement is women embracing their masculine power without denying their feminine power by bringing both into balance. You see this happening with men to - a reclaiming of whole & healthy masculinity while also embracing the feminine powers that they have long been told to deny or suppress. This year I was thrilled to host a screening of The Goddess Project in my local community and it is everything that this moment needs. An intersectional view of the many faces and aspects of the Goddess.
– Spark –
Today is the Winter Solstice which is actually a celebration of the return of waxing daylight, after "falling" into darkness. What better way to celebrate the return of the light than with this gorgeous handmade crystal stained glass? The Sweet Karma Bar is female founded and Florida sunshine inspired craft company - proving that us Florida girls can redeem our state from it's bad boy reputation.
– Need –
Flower essences are the first healing tools I turn to in times of distress. They work on our subtle energy field and with our emotional bodies to help us clear and walk through life with more ease and grace. I've used Star Essence flower & gemstone drops for many years & even infused the daily tea at the organic restaurant I co-owned for a decade. Blue Lotus Temple is one of my favorites. Flower essences are magical only because they are advanced biological technologies that most people can't comprehend the simplicity and highly intelligent actions that our plant allies can offer us.
– Read –
Change the Story & Change Reality. I love this collection fo essays edited my Marianne Williamson. Imagine: What America Could be in the 21st Century is a collection of essays by brilliant minds imagining a vision for America that is quite spectacular. Read one at a time or cover to cover and have portals to possibility opened within you.