Sync with the Sun & Moon for Vitality & Clarity
Our Luna Sol Calendar is a revolutionary calendar featuring year-at-a-glance sun & moon phenomena to help you navigate the seasons with ease & grace.

Sync with the sunbeams & manifest your dreams.
When you sync with the radiance of solar rhythms & honor power points you can access the clarity & vitality needed to bring your dreams into reality.
Harmonize with the moon flow & you'll glow.
Earth's dimmable nightlight sets the mood with her proximity and luminosity from her place in space.
Mind Mother Moon for Maximum Mojo!
When you work with the potency of each phase by honoring right timing, life flows with more ease & grace. Schedule activities & downtime according to the optimal moon phase to minimize hardship & maximize mojo!
Sets the Mood
The Moon
from New to Full
Waxing Moon
Begin & Make Plans
New Moon
Evaluate & Refine
Gibbous Moon
Nurture & Support
Crescent Moon
Take Action
1st Quarter Moon
Embody & Fulfill
Full Moon
from Full to Dark
Waning Moon
Reap & Share
3rd Quarter Moon
Complete & Reseed
Balsamic Moon
Listen & Observe
Dark Moon
Live by the Sun & Love by the Moon
Dynamic Duo
Our Sun & Moon are sentient soul family whose impact & influence cannot be overstated. They amplify the vibe depending on how they jive from their proximity & place in outer space.
Cycles within Cycles
Time is cyclical, not linear.

2025 Luna Sol Calendar | Poster or Tapestry
- Standard Poster 18" x 24"
- Large Poster 24" x 36"
- Tapestry 34.5" x 56"