I taught my two-year-old, Maya, about the days of the week in an exercise meant to introduce her to the spiraling, cyclical nature of time. That Wheel of the Week lesson inspired my flagship poster: the Cosmic Calendar (because: overachieving mom with graphic design skills). How appropriate that we've come full circle and now my little lady (age six when she created this) was inspired to re-create this simple lesson for kids everywhere. Just look at this smart lady who just used Illustrator like a CHAMP:

Scroll down to the bottom to download the worksheet. Here's the completed Wheel of the Week:

We made a bunch!
The worksheet includes space to practice writing the days of the week.
Your little can just use crayon to color the days in...
or cut & paste seven wedges for seven days and seven chakras!
Not only did she learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create the template, but she also created a kit with hand cut pieces to earn her own money AND she narrated her entire production process (without any rehearsal) start to finish to show other kids how to do the lesson & perhaps will inspire a few other minipreneurs to launch their own product online.
The worksheet is a Free Download, so you can share the gift of time with your little people.
Oh, and Maya? She turned eight in 2017 and launched her own Etsy shop to sell her artwork. Take a look!