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Yule Love Day 17 - Spiral Spectrum

Yule Love Day 17


When You've Got 17 Million Things To Do

– Savor –

Self care is the most important thing. Stress causes inflammation and inflammation can cause all kinds of issues that leave us less than stellar. One of the best practices I've incorporated into my daily routine is a daily massage with these stimulating silk gloves. It's an Ayurvedic practice that helps your body detox and invigorates your organs. I do this every morning and night and anytime I begin to feel sluggish during the day. Works better than coffee! I bought these beautiful ones from Bare Rush, but can't find their website anymore. Just google garshana gloves and you'll find an assortment. 

– Spark –

Or you could just procrastinate from those 17 million things by drooling over the utterly gorgeous copper collection at Makerware. I discovered this designer at a local holiday market. Ashley's work was stunning and every detail including her booth display was above and beyond.  #floridamade #maker #lakeworth

– Need –

OKAY. Or, you could just get freaking organized and handle those tasks like a champ. The Planning Collective has you covered with the Organizada Blogger Planner (featured), the Jefa Planner for Entrepreneurs or the Full Life Planner for everybody else. 

– Read –

Or you could optimize your life so that you can handle what you can and leave the rest. I'm a huge fan of slowing down and my entire nature-based calendar collection is designed to help you attune to the moon and planets for optimal success. One of the MOST IMPORTANT rhythms is the daily biological rhythm known as the circadian rhythm and the Aryuvedic life science figured a few things out several centuries ago. As I've gotten more attuned to this cellular clock and become more familiar with chronobiology, my health has improved tremendously and I am no longer dependent on artificial energy sources like coffee to keep me going. I generate my own energy now, after a lifetime of not being able to wake up in the morning and needing one (or three) naps a day. Dr Suhas Kshirsagar, author The Hot Belly Diet, is releasing Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life early next year and I've already pre-ordered this promising book. 


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