– The 11th Hour –
Confession: I got stuck with today's recommendations and am writing this at the 11th hour on the 11th day. What do I do when I get stuck? Usually, I turn to one of my decks for thoughts and inspiration so I decided to find the 11th card in some of my favorite decks for you.
According to the Bird Cards, Peacock brings the vision needed to move forward. Whew! Confirmation I'm on the right path!
Next, The Wisdom Keeper card of Idealism is next. I love this deck as it weaves archetypes inspired by the I Ching, Gene's Key, Human Design & Carl Jung.
The Sacred Rebels deck Diving for Light card reminds us to take care of yourself lest we get stuck in the muck .... definitely an appropriate card for me at the moment - I've had jet lag from attending a birth last week and haven't quite nurtured myself back to balance yet. You can try this oracle online for free here.
And last - but not least - is the Mountain card from The Mothers Wisdom Deck reminding me to be more present with my daughter. On that note, I'll wrap it up here and go snuggle with my girl.