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Yule Love Day 2 - Spiral Spectrum

Yule Love Day 2



Today's share is inspired by some of my favorite duo's. All but the last are based in Orlando, Florida.

– Savor –

...the sound of creative duo Alexandra Love Sarton & DiViNCi. Here's the title track off of their collaborative Chakra Khan debut album:

– Spark –

Marabou Thomas is a man without an official biography. I know he's got impeccable judgment because he married the equally talented Anna McCambridge-Thomas. I was a fan even before he made that brilliant move. His art books are only one aspect of this permaculture plant man from South Africa. His art journal, You Just Have to Go Outside has been stolen from my coffee table - twice. Here's a small art video he made called Forest Peoples:

– Need –

Kelli & Bruce Johnson have been hosting community on their homestead in Winter Springs for years. Kelli is a living legend homebirth midwife and Bruce is a former pharmacist and natural grower. Together, they make home, grow food, cultivate community and, of course, make medicine. They collaborate on Coyote's Natural Medicine line and their healing ointment is a must for any home medicine cabinet. I had a six-inch spot where I accidentally burned my arm on the inside of my oven & put this cream on. The next day, you wouldn't have even known I was burned except a small sliver of skin that hadn't gotten covered and took three weeks to mend after that. The 2 oz jar looks like it's on sale too. Just look at the view from their porch:

– Read –

Stella Osorojos Eisenstein and her partner, Charles Eisenstein, are a tapped in couple whose books and insights I devour. Stella's memoir, Star Sister, begs for a follow up now that she's a Mama Bear. My copy of Charles' opus, Ascent of Humanity, is dog-eared and highlighted but it's available to anyone (in the spirit of the gift)  online as an audiobook and website. His other books, Sacred Economics, The Yoga of Eating, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible are all equally fascinating and fresh. But who wouldn't want to learn from a family that has this sign in their front yard:


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