August is a BIG month, one that astrologers and astronomers alike have been looking forward to for years. August 7th, 2017 brings us a lunar eclipse but then brings us right too a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE across the United States on August 21, 2017. To have an eclipse of this magnitude with such a wide path across the USA is a rare and special event.
I recently spoke with noted astrologer Irlianna Samsara of Starsound Astrology at length about the upcoming “Great American Eclipse,” including some interesting details about where this path crosses another, smaller eclipse in seven years where Irlianna plans to be during this eclipse. This show aired live on the radio show I’ve been hosting for the past decade.
For myself, I’ll be flying up to St Louis to visit the grandparents, whose house happens to be in the path of totality. I’ll be live-streaming from there! Join the facebook event right now to watch virtually!
In the meanwhile, take a listen to this two part in depth analysis of the upcoming eclipse on August 21st. First podcast starts at the 4:20 mark, just fast forward to there!
Commemorative poster (below) available as an instant download.
Get ready for 2018 — Astrology Calendars Now Available!
2018 Editions of the Cosmic Calendar (left) and the NEW Luna Sol Chart (right)
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