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December 2024 Timeline • Key Celestial Events

New Moon in Sagittarius
Mars Rx Begins

Venus Enters Aquarius
+ Neptune Turns Direct

1st Quarter Moon
in Pisces

Full Moon in Gemini
+ Mercury Turns Direct

Sun Enters Capricorn

3rd Quarter Moon

New Moon in Capricorn
December 15, 2024 • 4:01 am EST • New York, NY
Full Moon in Gemini
Liminial Space

Overview of Planet Placements in this Chart
Pluto & Venus
in Aquarius (Occupy Wallstreet)
Saturn & Neptune
in Pisces (Fantasia)
Rx Jupiter
in Gemini (The Big City)
Rx Uranus
in Taurus (Yellowstone)
Rx Mars
in Leo (A Movie Set)
Mercury + Sun
in Sagittarius (the Playa)

Crisis of Faith
An old adobe mission in California + a popularity that proves ephemeral

Foxy Lady
A lady in a fox fur & a fertile garden

Misaligned Interest
Children Skating on Ice + A Woman Suffragist orating

The Commons
A Large Well Kept Park

Time for Change
An old fashioned woman confronted by a modern woman

Opportunity Knocks
A bluebird standing on the door of the house + cupid knocking at the door
Visiting Aquarius: Pluto & Venus
Pluto + Venus
Traveling through Aquarius
Pluto in Aquarius
11.19.24 to 03.09.43
Sabian Symbol
11.19.24 to 12.29.24
Venus in Aquarius
12.07.24 to 01.02.25
Sabian Symbol
One Day

Learn More About Pluto's Impact
Pluto is retracing it's steps from the USA founding. That's a big deal. Click here to deep dive into the Pluto Timelines & Headlines

Withdrawing. Spiritual retreat. Natural surroundings. Creating civilizations out of natural elements. Finding places to work with spirit. Sanctuaries and learning. Houses. Centers. Dogmatism. Pushing one’s beliefs and ideas. Having ‘all the answers’. Moving in. Taking over. Monuments to the past. Cults. Indoctrination. Chiefs. Indians.

A popularity that proves ephemeral
The Big Awakening. Staying true. Reversals of fortune. Waking up just in time. Not truly seeing people OR scales falling from one’s eyes. Projections of personality. Clinging to false feelings of fame. Falling off the pedestal. Not realizing or admitting changes. Disillusionment. Disappointment. Being seriously let down.
Visiting Pisces: Saturn & Neptune
Saturn in Pisces
03.07.23 to 05.24.25
Saturn at Sabian Symbol
13° from 12.5.24 to 12.25.24
Neptune in Pisces
06.30.23 to 03.30.25
Neptune at Sabian Symbol
27° from 10.10.24 to 12.31.24

Outer expressions of inner worth. Animal magnetism. Being wrapped in intellectual superficiality. Tempting others. Sexual signals. One’s own style. Perfumes. Totems.False fronts and expressions of wealth. Selling out. Scoring points through charisma. Doing anything to win social position, money or fame. Under or overdressing.

Fullness and fertility. Peak experiences. Brilliantly active subconscious life. Cycles. The effects of the moon. Mother Nature’s gifts. The full moon. Nature sprites. Gardens. Jealous protection. Too many possibilities. Psychic confusion. Difficulty sleeping or shutting down the mind. Missed opportunities. Night shadows.
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces
And this explains the rest of it... in March & May 2025 these planets slip into Aries, the retrograde back into Pisces for a spell and we get clear into Aries in early 2026.

Visiting Taurus: Uranus
Uranus in Taurus
05.25.24 to 06.09.25
Uranus at Sabian Symbol
24° from 11.23.24 to 12.18.24

Paying attention to appearances. People living in peace. People taking to the streets. Gardens and gardening. Work of few for the pleasure of many. The need for maintenance. Difficulty finding privacy. People continually coming by. Having a lot to look after. Littering and graffiti. People trashing the property of others.
Visiting Gemini: Jupiter
Rx Jupiter in Gemini
05.25.24 to 06.09.25
Rx Jupiter at Sabian Symbol
°15 from 12.10.24 to 12.17.24

15° A woman suffragist orating
Stating one’s case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for personal or social causes. Wanting people to listen and care. Taking it to the streets. Having a platform. Aggressively pressing opinions on the unwilling and disinterested. Rational or political structures overriding one’s life. Throwing tantrums and yelling. Soapboxes.
Visiting Leo: Mars
Mars in Leo
11.03.24 to 06.17.25
Mars at Sabian Symbol
5° from 11.23.24 to 12.19.24
Moon at Sabian Symbol
Less than a Day

Conservative inertia being challenged by the constantly changing. Learning to let one’s hair down. Issues of age and what one is capable of. Renovations. Ideas challenged. Denying the duality within oneself. Being afraid to get out there. Afraid of age or being usurped by younger, more vital energies. Envy, fear, jealousy. Adversaries.

Card Title
Celebrated the end of University with family and friends, and received my bachelor's degree.
23° Children skating on ice
Skating over difficulties. Finding creative and childlike solutions to problems. Treading on eggshells. Children facing physical or emotional hardship. Parents that crack up.Rushing out before checking that it is safe. Living for momentary pleasures. Getting away with things through naivety and childishness. Falling through the cracks.
Visiting Sagittarius: Mercury + Moon + Sun
Sun in Sagittarius
from 11.21.24 to 12.21.24
Sun at Sabian Symbol
On Day
11.02.24 to 01.08.25
Mercury at Sabian Symbol
One Day

23° A bluebird standing at the door of the house
Promise of happiness. Cottages and picket fences. Real estate – owning or renting. House maintenance. Messages of hope and happiness. Thresholds. Welcome mats. Songs of birds. Denying happiness or good news from entering. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Thinking that buying things will make life happier.

6° Cupid knocking at the door
Keys and arrows. Respectful invitation of love. Fear of commitment. Purity of motive.Softening one’s boundaries. The need to lighten up one’s approach to others. Romance. Waiting, not taking the initiative. Rejecting emotion. Fearing losing independence. Barriers and defenses. Seeing potential lovers in everyone. Crashing other people’s space.

2025 Calendar Collection

2025 Moon Astrology Charts | Digital Download
Full Moon in Gemini | Interactive Astrology Chart | December 15, 2024
On December 15th, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Gemini. Come explore this interactive horoscope chart and see the sabian symbols!